
Nike One Shoe Bank
Every year a single leg amputee can put in a request for one shoe free of charge. The request must be done by phone (800-344-6453) and takes 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. You cannot choose a specific shoe, but you can choose a category (tennis, cross training, running, walking, or basketball), and 3 color options. A physical address must be provided (no P.O. Box) and you will provide name, phone number, email address, mailing address, left or right shoe, and size.

Vocational Rehab
Do you need help with resources to return to work? Vocational Rehabilitation Services is a national program that can assist with things such as vehicle modifications, home modifications, training, getting a prosthesis, wheelchair, or many other needs to help you continue working, or to return to work. The services vary by state, so to view the services in your area, Google vocational rehab.

"The Amputee Coalition is the nation’s leading organization on limb loss, dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for amputees and their families, improving patient care and preventing limb loss." Need peer support, a support group, mental health and wellness information, want to advocate for your state, have questions about limb loss, or looking for FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE for medical equipment or prosthetic devices? The Amputee Coalition has an answer for almost every question or resource you need.

Do you need help paying bills, buying food, medical expenses, paying for prescribed medication, a ride to a medical appointment, or mental health assistance? Just dial 211 on your phone or click 211 above to visit the website for assistance.

Have you received a denial from your insurance company for an appropriate prosthetic device?
Reach out to AmpYouUp! to see how our advocacy services can assist you through the appeal process at no charge to you!
I was denied twice and after getting the assistance of (Julie) Amp You Up, I received an approval for my prosthetic device! I'll also throw in that I was connected with Julie through Cosi.

Cosi Belloso is a physical therapist I stumbled upon when trying to find more information on the Blatchford Linx (prosthetic limb). She is live on FaceBook and YouTube every Wednesday at 8:30pm ET with information and education for the limb loss community. Want to learn about hip flexors, exercising, TMR, prosthetics, adjustable sockets, swimming, weight management, and the list goes on; join her FaceBook page and subscribe to her YouTube channel!

Non-Invasive Wearable Vibration Therapy
We get it. Your phantom limb pain and itching comes and goes sporadically. You're not a fan of using medication as a permanent solution, but you haven't yet found a cost-effective long-term therapeutic remedy. Until now.